
Last Updated: 2020-08-01

The Grouparoo project is composed of a number of plugins, each with their own software license. The open-source core (@grouparoo/core) is released under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0, as are many of our plugins. Other plugins' have licenses specified within their LICENSE.txt file and package.json.

You can learn more by visiting

From time to time, we will include assets or code from third-party sources.

  • The code that Grouparoo depends on is enumerated within each package's package.json file
  • Assets that Grouparoo uses are listed either in the package's or

All dependencies Grouparoo uses must be licensed under a non-viral open-source licence that allows for commercial use. We audit every dependency in every sub-project of this monorepo via license-checker. The list of licenses we accept can be found here.