
Last Updated: 2021-02-01

To communicate with Sources and Destinations, Grouparoo will need to be provided with a number of API Keys and passwords, otherwise known as "Secrets". While Grouparoo can store this information in its Application Database, you may prefer to store this information in the Environment. This will ensure that these Secrets are not readable by Grouparoo users, and that they will also not be compromised if the Grouparoo database is accessed improperly. Depending on how you deploy Grouparoo, setting secrets though environment variables may fit your existing SRE/DevOps workflow better.

When setting an Environment Variable to use with Grouparoo, you'll be using the pattern: GROUPAROO_OPTION__{topic}__{name}="{value}".

  • Note the double-underscores before the topic and name.
  • Valid topics are "APP", "SOURCE", and "DESTINATION".
  • "name" is the name you want to appear in the Grouparoo interface.

For example, if you wanted to provide an API Key for HubSpot to your Grouparoo Apps named production_hubspot_api_key to the value of abc123, you would set the environment variable GROUPAROO_OPTION__APP__production_hubspot_api_key="abc123". Grouparoo will then store the string "production_hubspot_api_key" in the database, rather than the value "abc123", and always source this value from the environment at runtime, automatically using any changes to the environment variable.

Grouparoo App Options

When configuring your App, you'll see the names of available environment variable options, in this case production_hubspot_api_key.