Sample Records

Last Updated: 2022-01-25

While UI Config is focused on helping you configure how you're going to sync data from Sources to Destinations, it also provides some visibility into what your records will look like in production through Sample Records.

A Record is a representation of one of your customers. The data that makes up a Record is what has been extracted and transformed from your source(s). The transformed data is then what gets synced to your Destination(s). See this doc to learn more about the core concepts in Grouparoo.

Here's how to select a Sample Record in Grouparoo's UI Config:

Step 1: Find your Model

Select your Model from the navigation bar, scroll to the Sample Record section, and click the "Add Sample Record" button.

UI Config: Add Sample Record

Step 2: Add Sample Record

Choose the Property (which must be unique) and then add the value for that Property in the Value field. If you don't see the Property you're looking for, create a new one and check that it is unique.

UI Config: Add Sample Record Modal

The Sample Record will now be visible in the card. You can select "Import Record Data" if the data has not been imported from your sources yet.

UI Config: Sample Record Added

View Sample Record

You can click the on the "View Record" button to see more details about your Record.

UI Config: Sample Record Detail

The same Sample Record will shared across your Property and Destination edit pages:

UI Config: Sample Record in Property Editor

Generated Config File

Grouparoo's UI Config will write a file to your local filesystem based on your inputs. The file will be placed at config/development/records.json in your Grouparoo project. It will contain a list of your sample records. You can further edit this file locally or through the UI Config.

Note that this file is only used by UI Config and will be ignored by your main Grouparoo application.